Sunday, February 24, 2013


Insomnia is a common problem that takes a toll on your energy, mood, health and ability to function every day. Insomnia is defined by the quality of your sleep and how you feel after sleeping. Contrary to what many people think, insomnia is not a sleep disorder. Insomnia is a sleep complaint. If you are suffering from insomnia or know someone who suffers from insomnia check out these tips to overcome your sleep problem.

Evaluate the amount of caffeine that you are taking in on a daily basis. The best way to know what you are drinking is to keep a food journal for a week. Assess where your caffeine is coming from whether it is from soda, energy drinks, coffee and/or medications. Taking in too much caffeine can cause body jitters and restlessness. Many nutritional organizations and doctors believe that two to four cups of coffee is safe. However the sugar found in sodas, energy drinks and that is added to coffee can also cause sleep issues.

It's much easier said than done but reducing stress or at least controlling stress in a more positive manner will help your insomnia. Stress causes our minds to wonder as we lie awake with countless things going on through our heads. Try to tie up all loose ends before going to bed. If you're putting off cleaning the house or finishing a small project - go ahead and complete the task before you go to bed. Not only are you cutting something off of your to-do list but you're reducing the amount of stress that will impact you tomorrow.

Obviously there is no way to cut out stress completely, so seek out ways to control your stress level. Accept help when it's offered, designate chores to others and/or research various stress management books that are available.

If you are taking any medications read the side effects that are disclosed. If you have any questions about the medication you can consult your pharmacist or doctor. Some medications contain caffeine such as: antidepressants; cold and flu medications that contain alcohol; pain relievers that contain caffeine (Midol, Excedrin); diuretics, corticosteroids, thyroid hormone, high blood pressure medications.


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